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Price Guarantee

If you find an identical item cheaper elsewhere before you purchase from us we guarantee to match their price on the following conditions:

  1. The item is not featuring in a one day sale or other promotional event
  2. The price include delivery and any additional charges
  3. We reserve the right to withdraw this offer if it is uneconomical for us to proceed with the sale
  4. We must be able to verify the information you provide
  5. The item must be in stock at the time of the price match
  6. This guarantee is only available in the United Kingdom
  7. The price includes VAT

Speak to one of our sleep specialists for further information on 0191 2332203

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the title of Independent Bed Retailer of the Year at the National Bed Federation awards- giving you even more reason to buy from us with confidence!

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